
Wellington: 154 The Terrace

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Exercise Tips
All the best athletes in the world train to improve their speed and agility, on game day it’s the difference between losing your marker, being 1st to the ball, taking that gap, turning to tackle the opposition… making the winning plays! So why not adopt the same advanced techniques professional athletes use to increase your...
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Salt-water pools might conjure up visions of invigorating ocean swims, but they have little in common with the briny environment. All pools need treatment to sanitize the water. Health threats of pool water include bacteria, viruses and other contaminants that thrive and grow if unchecked. Many swimmers who suffer side effects from traditional chlorination systems...
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How Exercise Improves Mood Sure, exercise is good for your body, but did you ever think about how exercise and your mood, and the chemical reactions that occur within your body? Science backs up the premise that regular exercise actually boosts your mood and makes you a more joyful person. When you workout intensely, physiological...
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Kettlebell High-Pull The kettlebell high-pull is a great, physically demanding exercise that uses multiple groups throughout the body. It is part squat, part up-right row, mainly engaging your quads, glutes, and hamstrings initially, followed by your abdominals, deltoids and trapezius. Kettlebell High Pull uses the complete Posterior Chain. As multiple muscles groups are used, your...
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The damper set does not control resistance! The damper is the lever on the side of the flywheel housing, or fan cage, that controls how much air flows into the cage. You can set the damper lever to a particular value from 1–10, indicating how much air is drawn into the cage on each stroke:...
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Learn from the experts.. we’ve saved you some time and sifted through the web to bring you the best instructional rowing video’s available today. Check them out on our You Tube channel . The videos include, training drills, common errors, explanations on best setup, how to go faster and a cool advanced tip from the...
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There are 4 stages in a Rowing Stroke all working a different combination of muscles throughout the body. When performed correctly significant effort is made by the thighs, hips, torso, and the pelvis while also working the forearms, triceps, and shoulders since a significant amount of resistance is placed on the upper body. As you’ll...
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Push-ups are a functional, compound exercise which work multiple muscle groups if performed properly. Check out this instruction video here The best Push Up technique. In particular doing push-ups will increase your strength and muscle definition in your arms, shoulder, upper back and core, How good is that! plus… your cardiovascular system will also be enhanced as...
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Motivation – knowledge – challenge! This July we are staring our monthly series of ‘Member Challenges’. Put together by the team these challenges are designed to help keep you motivated during the winter months, build some skills and educate you on the benefits of the particular exercises we’ve selected each month.
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Prehabilitation – Why you should include Core Stability Training in Pre-Season. As an athlete chances are at some time you’ll incur an injury involving damage to, your back, groin, hamstrings or knee, often your physiotherapist or trainer will prescribe core stability exercises as part of your rehabilitation. Be prepared… Prehabilitation, historically pre season training programs...
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